Net zero-emission: Made possible

There is a huge pressure on the entire supply chain in the shipping industry to reduce carbon emissions. The goal is to achieve net zero emission by 2050. Several stakeholders, including investors, banks, regulators, financial institutions and the general public, demand that the maritime sector will reach these goals. This is a vision that almost seems impossible. Let´s see how Maritime Carbon Solutions can contribute to less carbon pollution.

The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), the Poseidon Principles and the Sea Cargo Charter are examples on how the pressure is being applied. Regulations begin to take effect already in 2023. Therefore, the industry must act now.

Maritime Carbon Solutions (MCS) offers a range of products that helps the shipping industry reduce carbon emissions.

  • MCS Carbon Reporter provides live voyage CO2-reporting.
  • MCS Carbon Estimator selects the greenest vessel for your voyage.
  • MCS Vessel Performance Analytics makes in-depth performance reports and benchmarking.

The MCS Carbon Reporter generates a detailed summary once the voyage has been completed. The report includes important ratios such as EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator), AER (Annual Efficiency Ratio) and CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator) Rating. These are well established KPIs for ensuring operational efficiency. Keeping track of a ship´s CO2 emissions related to operational activities is central for decision-making.

The platform behind MCS Carbon Reporter is easy to use. It is built on AI-technology and contains plenty of visual graphics. The platform sends alerts about missing reports, and it even corrects errors. The dashboard provides additional insights, and a carbon report is sent via email once a voyage ends.

By paying close attention to weather conditions, wind, waves and current, MCS Carbon Estimator can predict the expected CO2 emissions on a particular voyage. By knowing the load of cargo and several other factors, the system can figure out what ships are best suited for your route. Comparing the carbon impact of various alternatives will reduce the CO2 emissions and accordingly cut costs.

The performance reports and benchmarking figures created by MCS Vessel Performance Analytics is providing useful insights to help you form your overall strategy. It makes it easier to comply with regulatory standards, set company targets and understand the risks and possibilities connected to carbon emissions. The prosperity, profitability and future growth of your business will always be on top of our minds.

To conclude, MCS makes the net zero emission-mission: possible.